
In Memorial Emma Small

It has been over two week since my voice teacher, friend, mentor died. Still processing the loss along with many of her students. While we expect people to pass on at some point, it is the sudden unexpected deaths that seem to be the hardest. Just a few days before she died we had been starting on what would be my audition pieces for the upcoming MN Chorale audition. Now not sure if I will feel ready to use those pieces or will fall back to ones I already know, the new pieces may still have too much emotion tied to them to be used at this time.

I still find myself running across little tidbits that I think Emma would have liked and start to send them on to her when I remember she is not with us any more. Still a very disconcerting feeling. We are trying to put together a gathering of students to have a group grieving session as it seems most of us are still processing the loss in different ways.